Unfound Find moments people wanted to capture

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ScreenCapture 11 11 2013 12 30 04 a m
Channel: Jessica Padilla
Date: 2013-11-11 04:32:19
Video 0411
Channel: Frank Säufer
Date: 2021-06-14 03:18:36
Measuring Distances in Dragonfly
Channel: Dragonfly
Date: 2020-06-10 01:36:11
ScreenCapture 20 02 12 08 06 19
Channel: lolo kudadiri
Date: 2020-02-11 23:41:01
The Importance of Macaulay's Duration, Lecture 022, Securities Investment 101, Video 00025
Channel: MithrilMoney
Date: 2013-11-28 19:31:54